Our Services

Professional Organizing services for the Rockaway Beach, NYC & surrounding areas

How it all works


Free video consultation

Contact Erika for a free video call consultation. Here you will be able to discuss your project, your needs and highlight important concepts and goals. From this consult a budget and schedule can be established so you know exactly what you’re getting into.

Responsible de-cluttering

Erika will help you de-clutter in a responsible way, finding items, clothes and goods that you no longer use to allow the ones you do use, find their place in your home. Two large laundry bags are included in the removal of goods and Erika takes all items from your home to responsible and verified donation centers.

Practical categorizing

Endless plastic bins are not the way. Erika’s philosophy on organization is heavily tied to the idea that a healthy planet starts in your home. She will recommend sustainably made organization products while helping you to setup a simple and effective organization system, helping you to find everything right in place.


New home move

Erika can help you get a fresh start in a new home. This service can be invaluable as it will establish an organized home from the start.

Interior Decor

Interior decor comes natural to Erika and can utilize what you have already in your home mixed with some selected new pieces. Ask Erika how this can be mixed in with professional organization.

Full home organization

Erika can help out on a single room or your entire home. Her expertise and experience spans though several homes, kitchens, closets, kids rooms, bathrooms and more.

What people are saying


“I feel mentally better, I don’t know how to explain it, it was as if the way my closet and drawers looked were how cloudy my mind was and now it’s all clear.”

— Maria K.

“Erika was amazing, my entire home now has a system that I can follow and find everything.”

— Carolina E.